
My name is Jordan and I am a local plant enthusiast from Hawaii. I hope to own my own nursery one day. I specialize in hibiscus hybrids though I enjoy working with many different types of plants. I am constantly learning new things and improving my skills but for now, i'm just a college student working my way up in paradise. On this blog I will take you on a virtual tour of my garden and hopefully change the way you think of plants forever!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bad luck!

So as it would happen, the second of my hybrids to bloom was blown onto its side by some of the strong winds we've been having here in Hawaii. Unfortunately by the time I got to it, the bugs had their way with most of the petals of the flower.

 Even though most of the flower has been chewed away, I can tell that this flower is going to be beautiful keiki to keep around. The flower is a lot tougher than the last hybrid that bloomed and the shrubbery is very green and ornamental. The next bud is on its way and will open in just a few days. I will post a pic when I get the chance. For now here is a pic of the bud!

On a side note, I visited Ladybug Nursery in Waimanalo and took a look at some of the beautiful plants that they have to offer and spoke with their friendly staff. I saw many plants that I liked but remembering I am on a student budget, I didn't get anything. On my way out one of the workers gave me a hibiscus that had been miscategorized! That was so generous! I'm not sure what the flower is going to look like but the flower should bloom within a few days. Here's a pic!

Thanks for reading! I should be posting again soon. New blooms always await!


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