
My name is Jordan and I am a local plant enthusiast from Hawaii. I hope to own my own nursery one day. I specialize in hibiscus hybrids though I enjoy working with many different types of plants. I am constantly learning new things and improving my skills but for now, i'm just a college student working my way up in paradise. On this blog I will take you on a virtual tour of my garden and hopefully change the way you think of plants forever!


As much as I love growing and hybridizing plants, I think half the fun is being able to share your experience with others. This is where I will be uploading the beautiful things I get to see in my garden everyday.
Some of my parent plants
Some parents and some of my hybrids
Lt. Colonel (closest), Baby Mia (farthest)
Large Zoie blooms
Twin Night Runner blooms.
Dauben Water Lily
Good day for Joelle!



1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm a hibiscus enthusiast from austria, is there any possibility to swap seeds with you? or to send you some. some of the hawaiian hybrids are really nice, I like Jill Coryell's, but it's impossible to get them here..
