
My name is Jordan and I am a local plant enthusiast from Hawaii. I hope to own my own nursery one day. I specialize in hibiscus hybrids though I enjoy working with many different types of plants. I am constantly learning new things and improving my skills but for now, i'm just a college student working my way up in paradise. On this blog I will take you on a virtual tour of my garden and hopefully change the way you think of plants forever!


Very often gardeners are faced with a problem. This is experienced by every plant hobbyist. In some cases a plant may become ill, or not have access to the right nutrients. Plant specialists can usually identify these problems just from taking a look at the plant. I don't claim to be an expert, but I have been working with plants for a while and I am willing to share my knowledge with anyone who is willing to hear it:)

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say thank you for your very generous site. I live in Oakland, CA and am thinking about throwing some pollen on my few Hibiscus. The cross that seems most intriguing to me now is HibisKiss Honeymoon x Cayman Wind. The former has the most gorgeous flower I've ever seen and Cayman Wind has a great plant. I have no idea if it will take or when the right time to hybridize in Oakland is. I suspect it's very different from Oahu. I also want to say that if you stay with hybridizing, you'll probably never get rich but will bring wonderful joy to many people. My only bias is to cross elite garden varieties with other elite tropical (not exotic) varieties, like the cross I just proposed.
